Statement at the 7-10-18 Public Hearing on Land Acquisition

In order to promote conversation and encourage our elected officials, local concerned citizens formed ForHHS2, which means the Future of Rocktown is a second Harrisonburg High School (HHS2). On behalf of ForHHS2, I am happy City Council is moving forward with the land acquisition. Building a second high school is the best option for Harrisonburg considering our current overcrowding and expected growth within our city school district. We are excited Council is moving forward on purchasing the land, and we look forward to city residents being involved in the process of envisioning Harrisonburg as a two high school community.

Our group will continue to post information about the land acquisition and plans for the high school. We would like City Council to move forward quickly to relieve the current overcrowding. By 2022, more than half the high school population (800 students) will be educated in trailers outside the current facility. The need is very real; continual progress is necessary to maintain the high standard of education within our city. We encourage citizens to connect with ForHHS2 and to get involved in the planning process with school board. City Council members: we hope you approve the land acquisition, and work with school board to fully fund a second high school as soon as possible.

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