Update: On Tuesday, December 5th, the School Board unanimously voted to go with the design presented by the architecture firm of Grimm + Parker (http://www.grimmandparker.com/). The design (which was not shown to the public yet) costs $76 million to be opened for the 2021-2022 school year. The design does not include a stadium. The piece of land was not announced.
The Next Step: City Council needs to approve it. The School Board will present their proposal next Tuesday, December 12th. City Council needs to be convinced to act NOW. If they don’t act now, the entire project could be delayed for a year.
How Can I Help? PLEASE show up at the Dec. 12th City Council meeting (7 p.m. Council Chambers). Also, contact us for FOR HHS2 swag (buttons, shirts, and yard signs), so that we physically demonstrate commitment to a second high school. Also, e-mail CC members to let them hear your voices:
Mayor Deanna Reed
Vice Mayor Richard Baugh
Council Member Christopher B. Jones
Council Member Ted Byrd
Council Member George Hirschmann